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Why Millions of Americans Are Replacing Missing Teeth With Dental Implants

Why Millions of Americans Are Replacing Missing Teeth With Dental Implants

Are you having one or more teeth extracted because of decay or disease? You need to decide how you’ll have the tooth or teeth replaced. More and more people today are choosing dental implants instead of partial dentures or bridges to replace missing teeth. 

Our board-certified dentists with RR Dentistry in Georgetown, Texas, explain that dental implants are the gold standard for replacing missing teeth. Following are six compelling reasons for selecting dental implants as replacement teeth. 

Implants are more comfortable than other options 

Once it’s all done, your dental implant feels totally natural. You don’t feel anything artificial or metal in your mouth. On the other hand, a tooth that’s a partial denture is held in place by metal wires that may be visible when you smile. The partial denture has to be taken out of your mouth for cleaning. You’ll always feel a foreign object in your mouth. 

Implants last a lifetime 

If you maintain good oral hygiene, your implant should last the rest of your life. Other options aren’t permanent. Dentures must be replaced every 7 to 10 years — and that’s if you take good care of them. During your lifetime, your mouth changes shape, which can result in loose dentures. You may have difficulty chewing and may experience gum irritation. 

A dental bridge can last between 5 to 7 years, sometimes more. Dentures and bridges can eventually cost you more money than an implant.  

Implants maintain the integrity of surrounding teeth 

With an implant, only one tooth is affected. A bridge is an artificial tooth that is attached to the teeth on either side of it. Parts of the healthy teeth on each side of the artificial tooth must be drilled away to fit the artificial teeth between them. An implant maintains the integrity of the teeth around it. 

You can eat with ease 

Dental implants are very strong. You can eat normally; your ability to chew tough foods isn’t impaired. You have a strong titanium post that anchors the tooth and serves as its root, so you can use normal force when biting down. Dentures can slip and slide when you eat, causing embarrassment. A partial bridge sits on the gums; it isn’t anchored into your jaw, so it’s not as secure as an implant when chewing and biting hard foods.  

You can clean your teeth normally 

You brush and floss as you normally do once the implant has healed. Good oral hygiene helps prevent future dental problems. 

A partial denture requires you to take the tooth out and put it in a cleaning solution. Food can get stuck underneath it, causing discomfort. It’s a much more inconvenient option. It’s harder to clean around a dental bridge than a normal tooth, so there’s more chance for decay. 

Dental implants prevent bone loss 

One or more missing teeth can cause bone loss. Your jawbone lacks the stimulation from chewing that helps it retain its structure. Dentures don’t prevent your jawbone from degenerating; they may actually increase degeneration. Dental implants stimulate the bone in your jaw like all of your other teeth, so bone loss is not an issue. 

Call RR Dentistry today for an appointment if you have a missing tooth and for all of your dental needs. 


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