Modern Laser Therapy Effectively Treats Gum Disease
Gum disease is an inflammatory disease that affects the gum tissue and the bones that support our teeth. Gum disease has also been found, in some studies, to increase the likelihood of several serious diseases including heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory disease. Modern dentistry has found that lasers can be very effective in treating gum disease.
How Laser Therapy Works
Laser therapy can be used in several different ways:
- It can be used to disinfect and actually kill and deactivate the bacteria by a process call laser bacterial disinfection. The laser light destroys the cell wall of bacteria and breaks up the proteins in virus coatings to cause death of the virus and deactivate further damage done by the virus and bacteria.
- A laser can also be used to remove the diseased tissue from around and between teeth. When someone has gum disease, there is a buildup of tartar and minerals around the roots of the teeth. Lasers may be used to remove this buildup and help clean out the gum pockets. Lasers can be used in conjunction with traditional methods such as scaling to remove the diseased gum and bacteria from around teeth.
What Are The Advantages Of Laser Therapy With Us?
- Less bleeding and inflammation, swelling, and discomfort.
- Only local anesthesia is used in conjunction with the deeper cleanings, which means you can drive yourself home from treatment. When lasers are used to treat inflammation only in combination with your regular dental cleaning no local anesthetic is needed.
- Your mouth will heal quicker There is no cutting or stitches involved.
- Some lasers have been found to promote and quicken the regeneration process of the gums and affected bones.
What Can RR Dentistry Do For You?
The CDC released a report stating that nearly half of American adults have some form of gum disease. And 70 percent of Americans over the age of 65 have gum disease. At RR Dentistry, we’re dedicated to controlling and eradicating gum disease in our patients so you can become the healthiest version of yourself.
Let’s visit about how we can help you take care of gum disease. Call us for a comprehensive examination or consultation about your individual needs at (512) 869-5997 or send us an email.